
Universal Gear Cards

by Audrey Jaeger on Apr 17, 2024

Universal Gear Cards

Universal Gear Cards

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone introduces a new type of gear card, the Universal Gear card. These cards are just like those found in the Faction gear decks (there’s one for each faction), except that anyone can use them. In addition, the Rarity of Universal cards stacks with your faction. This lets players double and triple up on some useful gear, like Heavy Pistols.

Much of the gear in the 52-card Universal gear deck is new, including fan favorites like Monowire and Smartlinks. The 2-player Cyberpunk Edgerunners starter has two Universal gear decks, one for the Arasaka player and one for the Edgerunners.

The Smartlink is a style of gear card we call “skilltech” internally. These are gear cards that improve a skill and provide another small bonus. Other examples are Micro Rotors (which add to Melee) and the Cyberdeck Cyberarm (which adds to Tech). These cards will be vital to a leader who wants to tailor his crew for the fight ahead, either by shoring up faults or doubling down on strengths.

The Monowire is a fairly straightforward weapon gear that has a very strong attack with a bunch of strong keywords. First, it uses Reflexes skill instead of Melee, which makes it an excellent choice for Edgerunners or other characters without a strong Melee skill. It’s even got a bit of future proofing in the form of Pierce 4 (which is normally not needed by Reflexes attacks).

From these two items, you can probably already see a shift in the meta! Universal cards are going to include a lot of mechanics that change the landscape for both the campaign and tournament players.


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