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Monster Fight Club Retail

Become a Monster Fight Club Direct Partner

Monster Fight Club is a leader in the tabletop game and hobby industry with world-class tabletop games, miniatures, and accessories. Our incredible products feature fan-favorite brands including Cyberpunk, Borderlands, Witcher, and more.

Monster Fight Club Direct Partners enjoy access to exclusive promotions, event support, and customer support.

Games For Everyone

Our catalog has everything your customers need, including tabletop and RPG scenery, board game fun, and furious skirmish combat!

Upcoming Releases

Monster Fight Club provides you with new products all year. Take a sneak peak at the future releases!

New Monster Partners

Whether you are a new or existing retailer, Monster Fight Club provides you with a variety of starting bundles to make stocking your store easy, affordable, and Beastly.

Social Media Promotion

Monster Fight Club releases dozens of promotional articles, images, and web posts every month; including Retailer Highlights that feature our Monster Direct Partners.

Use any of our material through your own channels as quick and easy ways to generate engagement on and encourage sales.

We suggest sharing our content directly through your own social media. Add a short sentence or two of your own to add context relevant to your store, such as when products will be in stock or events.